General Policies
Any Killingworth resident or property owner is entitled to have a library card and to borrow library materials. Borrowing privileges may be suspended or lost if items are overdue or excessive fees accrue.
In accordance with the “Connecticard” program initiated by the Connecticut State Library and entered into by the Library, any Connecticut resident with a valid card from her/his home library may borrow materials from the Killingworth Library, subject to the same regulations set for resident borrowers.
Loan Periods (updated 09/03/19 to conform to Bibliomation Consortium standards)
- New books: 2 weeks
- All other books: 3 weeks
- Magazines: 2 weeks
- New DVDs: 3 days
- Fiction DVDs: 1 week
- Nonfiction DVDs & TV Series: 2 weeks
- New CD audiobooks: 2 weeks
- All other CD audiobooks: 3 weeks
- Museum passes: 2 days
- Puzzles and games: 3 weeks
- Library of Things: 2 weeks
As of June 2023, the Killingworth Library no longer charges fines for most library materials. However, museum passes and Library of Things items are subject to late fees ($5/day and $2/day respectively), as other library patrons rely on the timely return of these items. Patrons will also be charged for the replacement cost of lost materials. We ask that our patrons be considerate of their fellow library users and return or renew their items promptly.
Other Library Services
- Interlibrary loan, available to all cardholders in good standing; see the Card Catalog page for instructions.
- Internet access (printouts 25 cents/page B&W, $1.00/page color), wifi, and MS Office
- Copier (25 cents/page B&W, $1.00/page color)
- Community meeting room
- Faxes (outgoing only) $1.00/page
- Free computer tutoring, register at the circulation desk
- Scanning
Our New Digital Library Policy Can Be Found Here:
Collection Policies
The development and management of the library’s collection are governed by the policies below.
Request for Reconsideration Form
Displays and Exhibits Policy
This policy is formulated to provide guidelines for the use of display and exhibit areas in order to assure that the use of such areas is provided on a fair and equitable basis to all individuals and groups that request them, subject to the considerations set forth below.
Bulletin Boards
The community bulletin boards located in the reading area of the Library are available for public use. The Library endeavors to provide the public with as much bulletin board space as possible on a first come-first served basis, subject to the following conditions:
- Requests for display space must be made to Library staff.
- Priority will be given in the following order:
- Library use
- Announcements of events sponsored by Killingworth non-profit organizations
- Announcements of events sponsored by non-profit organizations in neighboring towns which the Library believes may interest Killingworth residents
- Announcements by Killingworth residents offering goods and services
- Announcements by individuals from neighboring towns offering goods and services to Killingworth residents
- All other announcements
- Materials may be discarded by the Library in its discretion as soon as they are outdated, after they have been displayed one month, or as space or other considerations mandate, in keeping with Library priorities.
- The display of an item does not constitute Library endorsement.
- Petitions are not permitted except for Library purposes.
- Display space may not be used for support of political candidates.
The Library encourages the use of its exhibit areas to allow creative persons and knowledgeable collectors the opportunity to share their talents with the general public and to aid the Library in its objective of furthering the educational and cultural growth of its patrons.
All exhibit items are loaned to the Library free of charge for a specified time period not to exceed one month (or as otherwise approved by the Head Librarian) and are subject to the following conditions:
- The Library may exhibit items and materials of educational and cultural interest to the community in its display/exhibit area as long as they do not interfere with the daily conduct of Library business. The Library does not endorse the contents or viewpoint of any exhibit or exhibitor.
- All exhibit items must be approved by the Head Librarian prior to their exhibition. The decision of the Head Librarian may be appealed in writing to the Board of Directors of the Library. Exhibits will be approved based on space and timing limitations and other considerations the Library deems relevant.
- An exhibit shall be installed by the exhibitor or his/her agents, under supervision of a member of the Library staff, at a mutually agreeable time. Library staff is not responsible for transport, installation, maintenance, security, storage or removal of exhibits.
- Before an exhibit is installed, the exhibitor is required to complete and sign an Exhibit Loan Agreement and a Waiver of Responsibility, both available from the Head Librarian. At the close of the exhibit, the exhibitor must sign the Certificate of Removal of Exhibit Items.
- Information about the exhibit and exhibitor may be made available to patrons, upon a patron’s request, at the Library’s front desk. The Library will not take part in any respect in the sale of an exhibit item and will only provide such information as a courtesy to its exhibitors and patrons.
- Public relations will be handled by the Head Librarian unless prior arrangement is made. If an exhibitor desires to publicize the event, any materials (other than simple email or social media announcements indicating the date, time and content of the exhibit) must be pre-approved by the Head Librarian.
- The Library reserves the right to request an exhibitor to make changes to or remove an exhibition as required by the Library.
- Questions, comments or concerns about any items on exhibit may be directed to the Head Librarian.