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Homeschool Book Club: Choose Your Own Book!

We are changing things up a little for our September Book Club!

Instead of having one book chosen for us all to read and discuss, you are being asked to pick a book that you are interested in reading that has the theme of friendship (8 – 10 year olds) or teamwork (11 – 13 year olds)!

Here is what you do:

1. Have a parent or ask Mrs. Fig for help to look up books with this theme.

2. Choose one to read and read it carefully!

3. Bring your book that you read to our September book club at 11:30 – 12:30.

4. Be prepared to share your book with the group. Feel free and be creative if you want- draw a picture of your favorite part or give an “Info-merical” persuading us to make this be our next pleasure read!

Here are some things to consider and help you prepare:

*Briefly tell us about the book without sharing the ending. Consider using one or more of the following sentence starters to help you plan what you will say.

*Just like trying to encourage someone to view a movie or go on an amusement ride with you… what would you say about this book? Did you like this book? Yes? Why did you like it?

*The main character_______ is (tell us a character trait). Give an example of something they said or did that proves that and ties in with our theme.

*This book is like another book we’re read (name the title), because…

*I’d recommend this book because… I’d give it a 1-5 star rating. 5 being the BEST!

*This book will make you (laugh, stop and think, wonder, cry…) because…

*If you like ________ then this book is for you! (Perhaps you like a certain genre or topic)

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Sunday: Closed
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