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Homeschool Book Club (11 – 13): Framed!

On Thursday January 9th, the Homeschool Book Club for ages 11-13 will be discussing Framed!, by James Ponti, at 11:30 AM -12:30 PM.

Twelve-year-old Florian Bates has just moved to Washington, DC, the latest of places he’s lived for his dad’s job as a security specialist and his mom’s as an art conservator—now with the National Gallery of Art. Florian keeps developing his technique TOAST (Theory of All Small Things) that focuses on details to solve life’s little mysteries such as where to sit on the on the first day of school or which Chinese restaurant has the best eggrolls. His observational skills haven’t earned him many friends, but his neighbor Margaret turns out to be an excellent student of TOAST. While testing their talents in the National Gallery, they uncover a valuable lead about a piece of stolen art! After calling in their tip, they catch the attention of the FBI…and a notorious crime syndicate known as EEL. Now, Florian is the only kid on the FBI Director’s speed dial and several international criminals’ most wanted lists, and he and Margaret might be in way over their heads. Can these amateur sleuths foil an art theft and forgery ring by looking at the small things?

Be sure to pick up a copy at our circulation desk. The discussion will be held in the tween area. Homeschool students are welcome to sign up with Mrs. Fig. by emailing her at [email protected].

Library Hours

Doors Open for Browsing
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Tue, Thur: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
Curbside pickup available 6 days week during open hours, please
call to schedule: 860-663-2000

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