Call Us: 860-663-2000

Need to return items? Just put them in the bookdrop!

Staff will not be accepting returned items in person during curbside service.

All items returned will be placed in quarantine for 4 days before being checked in and made available to patrons for checkout.  All fines are waived until further notice – your health and safety is our primary concern!  Please remain in your vehicle if another patron is at the book drop when you stop by.

We still don’t know when the Killingworth Library building will reopen, but we look forward to serving you with our curbside service!

If you need help logging into your account or accessing our online materials, please call the library at 860-663-2000 or email us at


Information from prior announcements is below:

The library building may be closed, but staff is available!  If you need help logging into your account or accessing our online materials, please call the library at 860-663-2000 or email us at

Staff member(s) are available daily Monday – Friday to respond to calls and emails. If we miss your call, please leave a message; we will get back to you within 24 hours. 

We have not yet determined when we will reopen, but rest assured that no fines will be charged to your account while we are closed.  We are already discussing when we will be opening our drop box so that you may return materials; look for an update during the first week of April.

  • Don’t have a library card?  You can still check out e-books and e-audiobooks! Check our website for links to free e-books available to you that you can check out without a library card until August 31, 2020!
    • Audio Book Cloud – audio books for all ages
    • Teen Book Cloud – includes audio books, e-books, and graphic novels.
    • Tumble Math – stories for those K – grade 6 that teach math skills as well.


  •  While the library is temporarily closed, patrons should keep all of their library materials at home.
  • The library book drop is also closed until further notice.  Please do not try to force items into our book drop, or leave by the doorway, etc.
  • Donations of books to the library are also suspended. Please do not leave donated items outside of the library doors, they will be discarded.
  • Library staff will continue to update the website and share information via our Facebook page.

While a re-opening date has not been determined, we are monitoring developments carefully and look forward to letting you know when the library will re-open.



Library Hours

Doors Open for Browsing
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Tue, Thur: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
Curbside pickup available 6 days week during open hours, please
call to schedule: 860-663-2000

 Social Media


Contact Us

Killingworth Library Association
301 Route 81 (shipping)
P.O. Box 725 (mail)
Killingworth, CT 06419
(860) 663-2000

Feedback / Directions